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Bidmanagement AI tools

Your virtual bid manager

Never lose a winnable bid again with Altura AI's improved bid management system. Learn how our leading automation tool supports your bid team.

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Tender AI tool

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Ricoh Business Centre
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Ricoh Business Centre

This is how AI will change your tender and RFP work

Bid management will change drastically with the invention of AI. Three things will never be the same: writing, project management and data analysis.

Automate proposals

Create a first proposal 10 times faster than ever before.

Replacing admin tasks

No more manually collecting information or turning off the process.

Accelerate data analysis

Get real-time, practical insights to increase your chances.

Discover our first AI
bid management solutions

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Proposal writer (BETA)

Automatically generate texts

With the proposal writer, you automatically generate texts based on input. Choose the question you want to answer. Provide your strategy and all the insights you know about the customer. Automatically get a piece of text for your proposal. Provide feedback where necessary and adjust.

Text and content, both based on previous proposals
Secured in your organisational environment
Proposal search

Find the right text for your proposal in a minute

Sounds familiar? Endless searching in Sharepoint or folders for that one proposal. Often without results. Bid managers lose 5 hours per week on this. Not anymore. Instantly find the best texts from your bid management content library and quickly put together your bronze version proposal.

Find the right text piece in just a few clicks
Build your bid management content library within 5 minutes
Instantly optimise text
bidmanagement content bibliotheek
bidmanagement document ai chat
Document chat

Get all the crucial information from a tender with a few questions

Analyse tender documents with just a few questions. This way you immediately find the risks and requirements, know whether your solution is suitable, and more. Don't waste any more time scrolling through documents for your first qualification.

Question multiple documents at the same time
Get quick answers to your questions about a tender
See registration fit in minutes
Summary writing

No more manually writing a tender summary

Too often, bid managers write summaries of tenders manually for the whole team. But with Altura AI, that's no longer necessary. We'll create the summary for you using the tender guidelines. You'll quickly understand what the tender is about.

Initial qualification done in minutes 
Automate manual summary writing
ai samenvatting aanbesteding
“Altura ensures that we maintain control over proposals and that annoying tasks are automated.”

Rogier de Lange, Bid manager at Daan

Read how Daan works with Altura

Save 50% of your time on manual tasks with Altura AI

Make your bid team a well-oiled machine with Altura's automation. Schedule a conversation with our team now to see our solutions in action. Or call us directly at: +31302271671.

3x faster processing
Automate manual tasks
Improve bid forecasting